Treasures of Nikolaev museums
Price: 90.00 USD (1 person) - 100.00 USD (up to 4 persons)
A common guest of Nikolaev does not even suspect that the main treasures are stored in the city: in the regional Museum of the Local History (branches: Naval Museum, Museum of the Partisan and Underground movement), in the museum of Fine Arts of Vereshagin. And indeed, notwithstanding multiple wars, tragic events in the city’s destiny, here still are stored the rare treasures of history. The Fine Art’s houses the originals of picturesque canvas's, sculptures, samples of arts from many countries of the world. In the Local History – the whole history of Nikolaev and it's surrounding area's since the ancient times: from the hairy Mammoths, items of the prehistoric human, ancient cultures (Tripoli, Crimerian, Scythes, Greeks) through the ages to modern day. Each exponent of this museum has an amazingly interesting life – biography, many of them have mysterious legends, tales, unsolved stories. Also nowadays, more than 20 free public museums work in our city, among them there are the museums of the fire extinguishing community, police, medicine, education, literature union, zoo and many, many others.
Excursion duration is 2 hours and it includes transportation by car, professional guide and interpreter.