Double room
gotonikolaev +380677676971 Ukraine, Nikolaev
521 reviews
Standard Apartment #
Standard Apartment #209
Rooms: 2, Floor 3/9, Persons: 3
Area: Tsentralniy Avenue
Location: Dzerzhynskogo Street 51
#209, Rooms: 2
The two room apartment is the standard class. It is at the Prospect Lenina and Dzerzhynskogo Nikolaev Ukraine. There is a small product marker nearby. It is on the 3rd floor of the 9-storied building. There is a bedroom with double bed, living-room with sofa, two arm-chairs, TV set, separate bathroom and nice cozy kitchen with fridge, gas stove and cold and hot water. There is the Fast Bandwidth Internet.
#209, Rooms: 2#209, Rooms: 2#209, Rooms: 2#209, Rooms: 2#209, Rooms: 2#209, Rooms: 2
Area map
Rates depend on stay duration
from 2 nightsfrom 7 nights
31 Dec - 02 Jan$47.00
Regular rate$28.00$27.00
*Full prepay tariff
Booking: Step 1
Arrival Date
Departure Date
Air conditioner
Cable TV
Hot tube
Kitchen pots
Local phone
TV set
Wi-Fi Internet

Availability Calendar

  February, 2025  
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- unavailable
- pre available (book to check availability)
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Dewald, South Africa
Just a short note to say thank you for the great apartment! The quality of the apartment made my stay in Nikolaev a memorable experience. Everything was exactly as you decribed, the apartment is situated centrally and close to all amenities, it is comfortable and has everything one needs for a pleasant stay. Local Nikolaev residents that I entertained in the apartment said it surely is one of the best in the city. I will definately make use of this apartment on my next visit to Nikolaev!
5 Dewald, South Africa